Application Type
Application SubType
PCT National Phase
(10) Registration Number and Date
BNN20210115 30.03.2023
(180) Expiration Date
(20) Filing Number and Date
BN N/2021/0115 28.05.2020
(40) Publication Number and Date
BN N/2021/0115
(86) PCT Filing Number and Date
(87) PCT Publication Number and Date
(85) National Entry Date
(30) Priority Details
US 16/456,762
(51) IPC Classes
(74) Representative Name
(54) Title
(EN) Low cost and sanitary efficient system and method that creates two different treatment zones in large water bodies to facilitate direct contact recreational activities
(57) Abstract

The present invention discloses designating two different treatment zones in a large body of water. The first zone is a sedimentation zone. This zone is used mainly to provide treatment and settling of microorganisms and/or contaminants to inactivate and/or remove them from the water body. In this zone a disinfection method based on a CT index and applying an efficient amount of a flocculant composition may be used. The second zone is a dissipation zone. This zone is where main direct contact recreational water activities are intended to occur. In the dissipation zone a water flow is established that, along with the natural currents produced by winds and/or water temperature differences, generate a water dissipation pattern of the volume of water within the dissipation zone into the sedimentation zone. In addition, continuous disinfection of the water volume in the dissipation zone is preferably provided by maintaining a permanent chlorine residual.

(58) Citations
Document Type Date Action
Event NameDateStatus
PCT National Phase Entry02.12.2021PCT National Phase