Application Type
Patents - RE-RP
Application SubType
Reregistration RE
(10) Registration Number and Date
BNRE20220007 14.12.2022
(180) Expiration Date
(20) Filing Number and Date
BN RE/2022/0007 30.09.2011
(40) Publication Number and Date
BN RE/2022/0007
(86) PCT Filing Number and Date
(87) PCT Publication Number and Date
(85) National Entry Date
(30) Priority Details
US 12/896,795
(51) IPC Classes
(72) Inventor
(EN) Christopher A. Segall
(EN) Yeping Su
(74) Representative Name
(EN) Drew & Napier LLC : c/o AIP Law 4th Floor, Wisma Jaya, Jalan Pemancha, Bandar Seri Begawan BS8811 Brunei Darussalam
(54) Title
(EN) Nested Entropy Encoding
(57) Abstract

Methods and systems for improving coding decoding efficiency of video by providing a syntax modeller (24; 26), a buffer (28), and a decoder (12). The syntax modeler (24; 26) may associate a first sequence of symbols with syntax elements. The buffer (28) may store tables (14; 16), each represented by a symbol in the first sequence, and each used to associate a respective symbol in a second sequence of symbols with encoded data. The decoder (12) decodes the data into a bitstream using the second sequence retrieved from a table. (Fig. 4)

(58) Citations
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