Application Type
Application SubType
PCT National Phase
(10) Registration Number and Date
BNN20210127 30.03.2023
(180) Expiration Date
(20) Filing Number and Date
BN N/2021/0127 11.04.2023
(40) Publication Number and Date
BN N/2021/0127
(86) PCT Filing Number and Date
(87) PCT Publication Number and Date
(85) National Entry Date
(30) Priority Details
(51) IPC Classes
(72) Inventor
(EN) WENG, Renrong : BLK 788D, Woodlands Crescent, #10-186, Singapore 734788
(EN) YANG, Liuqin : 6 Shenton Way #38-01, OUE Downtown, Singapore 068809
(EN) ZHANG, Sizhe : 6 Shenton Way #38-01, OUE Downtown, Singapore 068809
(74) Representative Name
(EN) AIP Law : Unit Nos. 404A-410A 4th Floor, Wisma Jaya Jalan Pemancha Bandar Seri Begawan BS8811 Brunei Darussalam
(54) Title
(57) Abstract

Server apparatus comprising a processor and a memory, the server apparatus being configured, under control of the processor, to execute instructions stored in the memory: to establish a route data record comprising data indicative of plural routes, each said route being between a start location and a respective destination, whereby each respective destination has at least one route to it from said start location; to process the route data record to determine a zone data record indicative of zones making up each route; and to combine the zone data record with a prediction data record to score the route data making up each said route to each destination based upon a prediction of the probability of a job or expected revenue in each zone making up that route.

(58) Citations
Document Type Date Action
Event NameDateStatus
PCT National Phase Entry14.12.2021PCT National Phase